You Were Raised On A Lie

You Were Raised On A Lie You were raised on a lie. Work hard. Work hard and you’ll get what you want. Work hard and you’ll be valuable to others. Work hard so others will revere your work. Work hard, and when you’re done you can finally enjoy yourself. Work hard so you can get more, and then you’ll be more. Work […]

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How To Be A Great Coaching Client

How To Be A Great Coaching Client Over the 6 years I’ve been coaching, I’ve met thousands of coaches. They’re from all different walks – business coaches, life coaches, marketing coaches, sex coaches, marriage coaches, sport coaches, performance coaches, voice coaches.  Many of them have rules, tips, or hacks about what their clients can do to be […]

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How Long Are You Willing To Be The Crazy One?

go weird or go home

How Long Are You Willing To Be The Crazy One? Here’s to the crazy ones, the rebels, the misfits, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you […]

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Change the Game

Whether you want to outpace the competition, develop a completely new technology, create a work of art that’s moving and unique, or grow a movement, you have to look where the rest of the world isn’t, and play the game from there.

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